By Sheelagh Le Cocq
A number of people have asked me "What do you mean by "Traditional Siamese?"
For those people who didn't get the first edition of the Newsletter I will recap. Like the American "Traditional Siamese Cat Association" (TCA, Inc., % John and Diana Fineran, 18509 N.E. 279th. Street, Battle Ground, WA. 98604-9717) we recognize three types of Siamese cat: The Modern; the Classic, which is the type most people are talking about when they talk of "traditional" or "old type" Siamese; and the REAL Traditional, similar to Tiam O'Shian. This was the type of cat that came out of Siam at the end of the last century and is indeed the way they still are in modern Thailand.
The overwhelming majority of our members want to go back only as far as the Classic. In fact, some have never stopped breeding them.
What does the Classic Siamese look like? They have large square bodies, not long thin tubes. They have shorter, sturdier legs and thicker tails than Moderns with round or rounder faces. While many don't have the round face of the REAL Traditional, like Tiam O'Shian, they certainly should not have the extreme wedge that so many prize winning show cats of today have.
Size and sturdiness are all important and it seems that a number of breeders do have them like this. For those wishing to breed, it will simply be a case of choosing the right stud as part of a planned breeding program.
Please don't be put off by the word "Traditional". We are not aiming to breed cats with crossed eyes or kinked tails, just big, solid, sturdy, healthy and vocal Siamese, the way most of us remember them.