Mrs. S. Le Cocq, Founder
2 Sydenham Villas
Janvrin Road
St. Helier
Jersey, C.I. Great Britain
01534 36820
The first issue of the Newsletter went extremely well and ran to a reprint within the first week.
A few weeks ago I received a phone call from someone who is trying to obtain an old type queen for breeding. At a cat show she asked a member of the Siamese Cat Club if breeders ever came across old fashioned kittens in their litters. She was told that yes, it did happen. Could the breeder let her know when she had one, or if she heard of one? No problem. Any preference, male or female? A female for breeding, please. The scene changed as the breeder said that neither she nor any of the breeders she knew would ever sell a kitten of this type for breeding. They were all put on the non-active register and never changed for any reason. Why not? Because it would ruin the breed and the breeder's reputation to breed from that type.
This is almost word for word identical to what I was told by a member of the Siamese Cat Associatoin about two years ago. Then, one of their members admitted to me that old type kittens turned up far more frequently than they would like. In fact, she said that it was a shame that she had not known that I was looking for kittens like that when she had enormous kittens with hugh feet thundering up and down the stairs. As soon as I mentioned trying to breed them like that, however, she changed completelh, and said "never! We don't want them like that breeding."
I think this goes a long way to explain why there seem to be old type cats around as pets, but not being used for breeding. The breeders are not allowing them to perpetuate the type.
I don't want to fall out with either the S.C.C. or the S.C.A., or any Siamese breeders. I think that there is room for all of us, but i think it is sad and unfair that we are having such a hard time finding suitable animals for breding when they have them but deny us the chance.
I belileve that there is room for both types to run side by side. Of course I would like to see the Traditional recognised as the "true original" Siamese but I honestly can't see it happening, or certainly not for many years.
Some cat shows are allowing us to put the Traditional on exhibition.