By Sheelgah LeCocq
Most of the people who are keen to breed Classic/Traditional Siamese already have experience in breeding other breeds, and some, I'm delighted to say, are approaching the matter with great thought and caution. Before you rush into breeding please think carefully, as well as a lot of pleasure (hopefully) it brings responsibilities.
A wise old breeder said to me, 'Don't breed unless you can be sure that at the end of the day you have improved the quality of the breed." Wise words!
Don't breed for money, or 'because it would be nice to have litter of kittens". Study form and genetics. Not just "a X b = so many %A; so many %B; so many % A/B, but type, conformation, the good points of stud and queen, and the bad points. Talk to experienced breeders, (not just of Siamese but of other breeds as well) who would be prepared to offfer advice.
Don't be tempted to flood the market. Remember that every kitten deserves a permanent loving home. Having spent over 20 years in Rescue I know how many pedigree cats go through various rescue Organizations each year. Siamese in particular find it very hard to adapt to life in a cattery and many become depressed and withdrawn.
A survey I helped to undertake 10/15 years ago as a result of a high number of cats going through Rescue traceable to one Siamese breeder (now no longer breeding) showed that out of 100 kittens bred by this person, after 5 years only 11 were still with the person they were originally homed to. In several cases cats had six or more owners. The survey made fascinating, if appalling reading. I will publish it in full if anyone is interested.
Please remember you have a moral responsibility to keep any kitten you can't home, or to take back andy cat or kitten which the new owner can no longer keep, or which is found in Rescue. It is no good saying, "I've no room" or "my husband (it's usually husbands!) says we can't have any more". Kittens don't ask to be born and it is your duty to do your utmost to ensure they have a full, happy, healthy life if you are responsible for them being here.