By Sheelagh Le Cocq
If you have a number of cats, especially of the same coloration, it can
be very difficult for anyone, even close family, to differentiate between
the cats, which could cause problems. I have ten Siamese. I doubt if my
daughter could accurately identify more than three or the four of them. It
is, therefore, sensible to take the time to sit down and identify each of
your cats so that there can be no mistakes.
On a sheet of paper stick a photo of your cat, then add its name, date
of birth, sex, color, identifying marks, important medical details and any
other comments. List any important medical details. If you cat is on any
regualr medication, is allergic to anything or susceptible to certain
At the bottom of yours list add the named veterinary practice where
details of your cats' health problems vaccinations, etc, are held. Often
pets end up in Rescue with no details of past illnesses or operations.
Frequently it is not known if a female has been spayed or not, which can
make a big difference to someone adopting the animal. Some Rescue
organizations such as the R.S.P.C.A. will only re-home a neutered animal,
so your cat could undergo a totally unnecessary operation if you have
already had her spayed.
Don't forget to add if two or more cats must go together. Mark their
records "Must not be separated".
Finally if someone you know has offered to take any of your cats, and
you are happy with this arrangement, don't forget to write it down on your
Put contingency plans in case your friend's circumstances have changed
and she can no longer take them. Remember, if you don't do it, it could be
too late.